Of all the great videos throughout the internet one stands out the most to me. It is a video of an Akito Master in Japan with a large crowd of people gathered around him. He is offering to pay anyone who is able to punch him 5 thousand dollars. He has made this offer for some time now. Many have tried but no one has succeeded.
The Master runs a large school teaching his students the secrets of his uncanny ability to remain untouched by his opponents. He claims that hundreds of trained fighters have been unable to so much as touch him as he has learned the discipline of harnessing his “chi” energy. There are indeed a series of videos where a large group of other fighters are attempting to hit the master in unison but impressively the master zaps them with his chi like a lightning bolt from his fist. The men tumble over one another and fall to the floor. The man appears to be a real life superhero. In the video the master is facing an unknown amateur UFC fighter.
The referee steps in between the two fighters as they prepare and the crowd becomes silent in anticipation of witnessing the master's skills. He positions himself in a very dramatic fashion as if grounding himself into the earth. It is as if he is somehow summoning consciousness that lies at the center of the universe under his command and is able to harness it. A sense of presence and tension fills the room and the referee begins the fight.
The UFC fighter steps forward and proceeds to punch the master as hard as he possibly can directly in the face… Leaves… Gets his 5 thousand dollars… and goes home...
But how could this be? What about all the fighters before him who were unable to do so much as touch the master? What about all of the interviews and the group attacks that the Master was able to almost laugh it off? How could this be?
The difference between the UFC fighter who made the quick 5 grand and everyone else before him is his belief.
The UFC fighter was from a different culture and he did not know what “Chi” energy even was. He didn’t have the belief that the master had some supernatural power that only he had access to. The other fighters from within the culture did have this belief and as they witnessed person after person fail at being able to hit the master it created a snowball effect that became very convincing.
The Master grew in his own confidence in his abilities and developed an empowering belief that he could not be touched due to this supernatural ability. He embodied it so well he lived it out to the point he was willing to pay others to try. Until one day, a person who does not have the same belief system steps into the ring and punches him the face and master is hit with reality... Literally.
The point is anyone else could have made an easy 5 grand had they not adopted other peoples limiting beliefs about what they could not do.
When a whole group begins believing a limitation is real it takes on a life of its own.
We live in a culture where many people are overweight and have health struggles so much so that it has become a norm. We have adopted a limiting belief as a culture that is it impossible to be healthy in our modern society and we are ruled by this belief not because it is the truth but because we believe it to be the truth. What is the point in trying if we know all of our efforts will be fruitless? With this way of thinking just like all the other fighters we rarely try and when we do we quickly fail.
Seeing someone’s before and after pictures like my own often serves a “punch in face” that people need to wake them up to reality and look at things as they really are.
No one has a supernatural ability that you do not.
I did not make my transformation using "chi energy." I made it with hard work and a strong mindset that I built over time.
What are your limiting beliefs?
What are your limiting beliefs? Are you sure they are true? Write them down!!!
Fitness + Nutrition + Wellness Coach
Andrew is a graduate of Wright State University and has over 10 years of behavior change experience working with a diverse base of clientele. He takes a holistic approach to weight loss and behavior change with an emphasis on Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Andrew is a graduate of Wright State University and has over 10 years of behavior change experience working with a diverse base of clientele. He takes a holistic approach to weight loss and behavior change with an emphasis on Neuro Linguistic Programming.
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